Prescriptions are available from this practice. You may obtain relevant veterinary medicinal products from your veterinary surgery OR ask for a written prescription (at a charge of £15 + VAT) and obtain these medicines from a pharmacy or an on-line pharmacy. Your veterinary surgeon may prescribe relevant veterinary medicinal products only following a clinical assessment of an animal under his or her care.
The policy of this practice is to re-assess an animal requiring repeat prescriptions for supplies of relevant veterinary medicinal products, between 6 months and yearly, depending on individual circumstances.
Before dispensing a prescription or medications, we require your horse’s passport details and to ensure that section 9 (signing the horse out of the human food chain) has been signed.
Please order your prescription in good time before running out of medications as it can take 72hours for it to be produced. Payment on request of a prescription is also required. The completed original prescription will be mailed to the horse owner, or emailed directly to a pharmacy of your choice.
Please be aware a prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an in-patient at the hospital or if immediate treatment is required.