We have been running an artificial insemination service here for nearly 20 years.

Over this time we have identified there are many key factors that require careful consideration before breeding from your mare. More information is available on this website regarding all aspects of equine breeding.

We recommend that all potential AI mares should have a detailed 'pre-breeding check'. We offer a 'Pre-Breeding Package' which includes:

  • a thorough gynaecological assessment
  • ultrasonography of the reproductive tract
  • a blood test for equine viral arteritis (EVA)
  • a clitoral swab for contagious equine metritis (CEM)
  • A worm egg count test *

The cost of the pre-breeding package is £200 (incl VAT). This includes laboratory fees but does not include any call out fee which is dependent on area. All mares and stallions involved in our AI programme will need to be confirmed free of venereal infection (CEM and EVA) by routine bloods and swabs taken after 1st January 2025, before being accepted for breeding purposes.

* We are requesting a worm egg count (WEC) to be compleed within 3 months of admission to the clinic. This is to reduce any potential worm burden from developing on our paddocks and to enable us to monitor anthelmintic challenge in a healthy population of mares. This inital WEC is free of charge when either a pre-breeding package or AI package is completed. In the event of a high WEC (greater than 500 eggs per gram), advice will be given for the appropriate anthelmintic to be used prior to admission. A repeat WEC is strongly recommended 14 days following treatment.

AI package fees include the cost of routine veterinary examinations and ultrasound scans during the mare's oestrus period; a 15 day pregnancy scan and 28-30 day heart beat scan (which must be performed at the clinic).  Any procedures that are not considered routine would be discussed with the owner. Please be aware these procedures would incur extra cost, such as treatment for a uterine infection.

We prefer and strongly recommend for mares to be kept at the hospital for their oestrus period. This enables us to monitor the mare closely with frequent examinations if necessary, in addition to providing a safe and clean location for the procedures to be performed.  AI with chilled semen can be performed at home depending on the nature of the mare and facilities available.  Please call BELL to discuss the costs for the package in this situation.  With frozen semen, due to the nature of the semen storage and handling, the mare MUST be brought to the clinic during her oestrus cycle.

If you have any questions relating to our AI services, or regarding any aspect of equine breeding, please do not hesitate to contact any of the team at BELL EQUINE who are involved in our equine breeding programme on 01622 813700.

COST: £515 (incl VAT)

  • Grass livery (5 days included)
  • Endometrial swab and smear (to check for endometritis)
  • All routine gynaecological examinations, including ultrasound examinations
  • Induction of ovulation
  • Routine breeding medications - Oxytocin / Deslorelin / Estrumate (as required)
  • Semen ordering and handling (not including shipping fees)
  • Semen evaluation and insemination
  • Post ovulation check
  • One uterine lavage post insemination (if required)
  • 14-16 day pregnancy scan at Bell Equine
  • 28-30 day heart beat scan at Bell Equine

COST: £615 (incl VAT)

  • Grass livery (5 days included) & 1 night stabling
  • Endometrial swab and smear (to check for endometritis)
  • All routine gynaecological examinations, including ultrasound examinations
  • Induction of ovulation
  • Routine breeding medications - Oxytocin / Deslorelin / Estrumate (as required)
  • Semen ordering and handling (does not include shipping fees)
  • Preparation, handling and thawing of frozen semen
  • Semen evaluation and insemination
  • Post ovulation check
  • One uterine lavage post ovulation (if required)
  • 14-16 day pregnancy scan at Bell Equine 
  • 28-30 day heart beat scan at Bell Equine

If your mare does not conceive on the first cycle, the second cycle is available at the below reduced costs:

Repeat chilled semen package -  £470 (incl VAT)
Repeat frozen semen package - £570 (incl VAT)

  • Any visit fees for work performed away from the clinic
  • Pre-insemination health tests (EVA, CEM - see above for the 'Pre-breeding Package')
  • Semen importation / shipping fees and the potential cost of returning any unused semen at the end of the season
  • Treatment for endometritis - depending on each induividual case and treatment required and could add between £80 & £350+
  • Repeated uterine lavage
  • Caslicks's procedure
  • Sedation
  • Twinning
  • Extra nights of boarding (more than 5 days) or stabling rather than grass livery included in the package
  • N.B. For both frozen and chilled inseminations, mares which are at higher risk of twins are recommended to have TWO scans between 14-18 days.

If insemination is not completed during a 5-day cycle, there is a reduced cost of £295 (incl VAT)

Frozen semen can be stored here at the clinic during the breeding season (1st April - 1st September). Clients are encouraged to make other storage arrangements and have the semen removed by 1st September. Further infromation is available on storage facilities on request. However, semen storage at Bell will be charged at £250 (incl VAT) for any remaining doses from 1st September through to the 31st March. 

Frozen semen stored at the clinic is done so at the mare owner's own risk, who is also responsible for the insurance of the semen.

Our full terms and conditions of business can be found here.

Our terms require for all in-patients admitted to the hospital, a hospital deposit or to provide credit card details on arrival to confirm intent to pay for treatment.