General anaesthesia (making horses fully unconscious by use of anaesthetic drugs) involves a number of risks in horses. Performing medical and surgical procedures in a standing position and under heavy sedation is a valuable alternative to general anaesthesia in some cases.
The risks and benefits associated with each surgical procedure are carefully weighed on an individual basis for each patient, and it will only be performed if appropriate.
If feasible, standing surgery is preferred to general anaesthesia. General anaesthesia is, therefore, mainly indicated for medical or surgical procedures that cannot be performed in a safe, careful and efficient manner under standing sedation. However, risks and benefits associated with performance of procedures under sedation are carefully weighed on an individual basis for each patient. Performing medical or surgical procedures in a standing position will only be considered if they can be carried out in a safe, careful and efficient manner.
Performing medical and surgical procedures in a standing position and under heavy sedation is a valuable alternative to general anaesthesia in some cases.
If feasible, the former is preferred to general anaesthesia. However, risks and benefits associated with performance of procedures under sedation are carefully weighed on an individual basis for each patient. Performing medical or surgical procedures in a standing position will only be considered if they can be carried out in a safe, careful and efficient manner.