Bell Equine Veterinary Clinic is one of the UK’s most progressive equine veterinary hospitals.

Located in the heart of Kent, the Bell Equine Veterinary Clinic (BEVC) was established in 1989. Since then it has expanded to become a large specialist equine hospital and ambulatory practice.

Currently, 30 veterinary surgeons work in the practice, supported by over 41 nursing, stable and administration staff.

BEVC aims to offer a professional, efficient and compassionate service to all our clients and their horses, as well as pursuing the goal of clinical excellence.

The two main parts of the practice, the first opinion practice and hospital, are fully integrated with each other. As a result, your horse will benefit from the immense depth of knowledge and experience of all 30 vets and other members of the practice team, in both regular, formal and ad hoc informal case discussions.

Between them, the vets hold two Diplomas from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), five Diplomas from European specialist colleges, two American Diplomas and six RCVS post-graduate Certificates. Four of the vets are recognised by the RCVS as specialists in one or more areas (including internal medicine, surgery and diagnostic imaging) and five have Advanced Practitioner qualifications in one or more areas (including anaesthesia, equine practice and dentistry). We have co-supervised residency training programmes in medicine, surgery and diagnostic imaging, and we are currently running a joint surgery training residency with B&W Equine Vets and the University of Nottingham.

Our nursing team includes 3 Registered Equine Veterinary Nurses (EVNs) and 9 Registered Veterinary Nurses (RVNs). Out of our registered nursing team we have an REVN with imaging specialism and RVN with surgical nursing specialism. We are also a registered veterinary nurse training practice and currently have 2 trainee RVNs (SVNs) as well as Patient Care Assistants (PCA).

We are fully accredited by the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme as an Equine Veterinary Hospital and have received ‘outstanding‘ awards in all available categories of the scheme; client servicesin-patient servicesdiagnostic servicesteam and professional responsibility and ambulatory services.

In addition to providing the highest standard of veterinary care for our patients, BEVC is committed to clinical research and development, and to education, both for clients and veterinary surgeons. We have ongoing clinical audit and evidence based medicine programmes. Our vets have established strong professional relationships with equine veterinarians from around the world, and we are closely involved with a number of national and international veterinary organisations. We currently have links with the Royal Veterinary College and regularly host their equine-track final year veterinary students for periods of clinical experience at the hospital. We also have a link with Bristol Vet School and regularly have their veterinary students visiting here. We also welcome other veterinary students from elsewhere.