Extra Mural Studies (EMS) and Intra Mural Rotation (IMR) placements:

We welcome veterinary students for EMS at any stage of their clinical training, however, we find it is of most benefit if students have already experienced general practice placements before visiting our dedicated equine hospital, often during the 3rd and 4th year of studies. There are opportunity to observe and assist with many different aspects of equine medicine and surgery in a variety of horses, ponies and donkeys. Students are expected to go out on calls with our ambulatory clinicians with the aim of experiencing core and varied aspects of specialist equine practice.

We request that EMS students spend two weeks with us for any one booking. We will only accept one EMS student at once to ensure the the best possible learning opportunities during EMS placements at Bell Equine.

Practical details for EMS & IMR students:

  • We will be able to provide a list of Bed & Breakfast type accommodation nearby so that you can make your arrangements in advance.
  • There is limited accommodation available within walking distance of the practice in the village of Mereworth, so you must tell us when you book, if you do not have your own transport.
  • What to bring: respectable work wear that should be suitable for stable yard situations. Students should bring kit appropriate for the season including adequate waterproofs and clean protective clothing, such as coveralls. Scrubs and clogs are provided for wearing in theatre. Respectable jeans are allowed. Sensible protective footwear must be worn at all times and trainers are not permitted.
  • No pets or smoking are allowed on site.
  • All students are asked to bring their college name badges to be worn at all times, whilst working here. If you do not have one please ask the secretaries to provide you with a badge on arrival.


If you would like to apply for an EMS placement, please contact secretary@bellequine.com giving a list of the dates that you are available. We would ask that your application is emailed together with two up to date photographs.