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Launch of the equine influenza vaccination module on the FEI app

From 3rd February 2025, all horses competing under FEI rules need to have their horse's equine influenza vaccinations logged on the FEI HorseApp. This move will aim to improve standards of biosecurity and hopefully simplify and accelerate the arrival examination process at FEI events.

The vaccination module on the FEI HorseApp will allow vaccinations to be recorded in a digital format, along with being recorded in your horse's passport. This will apply to all horses competing at FEI level. 

Any time an equine influenza vaccination is administered to a horse competing under FEI rules, the vaccination will be recorded in the HorseApp by the vet administering the vaccination. The vaccination must be recorded at the time of administering and will include information such as the name and batch number of the vaccination. 

During the course of 2025, historical vaccination details will need to be updated to the HorseApp. So if your horse has an equine influenza vaccination administered and does not have any historical vaccination details registered to the HorseApp, these should be recorded by the treating vet or anyone associated with the horse.

These can be done in several different ways (information courtesy of the FEI):

  • FEI HorseApp users will be invited to enter the last vaccination details for their Horse(s) directly from the home page of the FEI HorseApp.
  • FEI Vaccinating veterinarians will enter historical vaccination details on request of the PR/Owner when administering the Horse’s next vaccination.
  • FEI support team will capture vaccination records from passport at Events where significant numbers of Horses are attending (i.e: Tours).
  • FEI Official Veterinarians will be invited to enter historical vaccination details when officiating at FEI Events.

The vaccination module on the FEI HorseApp can be used by athletes, grooms, owners and trainers, alongside not only FEI registered vets but registered vets not registered with the FEI.

To download the app and for more information, see the FEI WEBSITE where you will also find out how to upload historic vaccinations.

Do let us know at the time of booking if your horses is competing under FEI rules and ask our vets if you have any questions.